Monday 3 December 2012

About the English IV class

Well, this will be the last written on my blog and it’s about the English class like subject at the Faculty of Social Sciences of our University. And I specific, because, not every Faculties of the University of Chile have so many levels of this language for their students. For example, in Natural Sciences, they have only one course of English along all the careers. 

In that sense, I appreciate so much that we can work our abilities about the English, not only the lectures, but the pronunciation too, aspects that are so ignored in almost all the other classes. For me, the fact that the whole subject has been talking in this language is very important because mainly permits the development of the audition and of the capacity to order the words in the mind at the moment which are necessary to a conversation.

About the blog, particulary , I think that were ok, but I’d suggest to practice most the English writing with other activities, for example, to make a letter for a friend or some member of the family about a interesting topic, or maybe, to write it for an authority of the FACSO about the resolution of a problem by the semester. Of this way, we can learn more about another daily uses.

Now, about the elements that the class could improve… Perhaps I’d aggregate more conversations within the classroom between the students, because in general, we are not always of the same careers or years. So, it would be important get close and link. Also, I thought in some moment to talk with somebody else, out of the English class, with this language. Poliglotas group could be invited at the Faculty in some classes for to talk with us, in a relaxed way, only for we can practice, not like evaluation. 

And finally, I can say that the use of the English nowadays, is quite frequent. It’s useful to me to understand instructions of technologic artifacts and more songs that I like. 
Furthermore, to read some papers in this language in my career and to translate social science’s academic documents. Even, I can say that the weirdest thing that I have had, it has been to dream in English. Sometimes it happens.

Friday 16 November 2012

About my future

My future job is now an important topic because I’m in fourth grade of Sociology and the next year I hope to be doing the professional practice. And I have to say that I’m some nervous about it. Anyway, if I could choose an ideal job to star I’d choose to work in the Economical Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, more known like CEPAL. This institution of social research has a special section of gender studies, one of my favourites themes. The other one are the quantitative studies and the analysis of statistics about the population. I would prefer a job like this because the CEPAL has a long and well deserved prestige in my discipline and the social sciences in general, what is very important if I considered continuing a career in investigation.

About my strengths, I recognize that I’m very responsible person, very meticulous and dedicated with all the things that I do. Also, I enjoy more the office work than the office ‘out work.  Besides, I have a well drive of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software.

About my weaknesses, maybe could be that I’m perfectionist so I frustrate quickly if I don’t get the results in the way that I hope. For example, if the data are not complete or it has a lot of empties. And like I try to be efficient at work, sometimes I forget that not everybody work that the same way than me. This can bring me a little upset while I’m waiting the results of the work of somebody else.  Therefore I should be more patience with the others.

That’s what I have to say about my ideal job in the next future.

Friday 9 November 2012

About a sport that I enjoy

Hi classmates
I hope you’re so good and that the end of the semester isn’t so hard.
Today I’m going to write about one of my hobbies of the last time: Volley.

Since a month ago that I’m going to play with other girls of the Juan Gomez Millas Campus at the little court next to the grass court. They are not only from FACSO, also from Bachillerato even there are two which are working right now, but they studied here. About the age, I have to say that I’m one of “the old girls”, because almost everybody is younger than me. I mean there are student of Sociology, Education or Bachelors of first or second year.  And how you know, I’m 23 and I’m in fourth year of Sociology.

Well, this experience has been very interesting and funny. I had played volley only at the school (more or less seven years ago) but I had never competed before. I only played in the sport class sometimes but I recognize that I loved so much; even when the teacher didn’t teach us more about the techniques or the rules of this game.

Anyway, I played with my little sister too, on weekends, but always in a relaxed way, because with only two persons one can’t do a lot of things. The ideal is six against six. But in the coaching neither came the six because some of the girls have tests the Saturdays or have practices of their careers. It’s a really shame can’t coach all together. But we do what we can. But by the other hand, our coach is so cool. Her name is Ariadna, but everybody call her “Ari” with love. She’s so professional and nice at the same time and very responsible too.

And finally, I tell you that we participated at the JJ.OO of the University. We lost with the Medicine’s team   but we won with Sciences’s team. Now, we only have to wait the next games inter campus.

Friday 12 October 2012

24 Hours in Pictures

Hi classmates.

Today I'm going to write about the “Twenty-Four Hours in Pictures” that The Guardian’s news share this day. These are fourteen images about people and animals too like a selection of the best images around the world. 

It’s interesting like a photo can say a lot of different realities and moments of the life.  I liked the image of the Indian child who is selling birds in the street. I thought “Wow! What terrible thing!  How is it possible that the children work yet instead of enjoying their childhood?” I think that it represents very well a persistent problem in our societies although we don’t want to see it.

The other one that I liked was which appears a poor man taking a nap next to Roland McDonald in Singapore. This image makes me think about the huge contrasts in some societies like Chile. For example, how it’s possible that the ten percent of the Chilean people have almost thirty  time more money than the ten percent poorest. Our long and narrow country is one of the most unequal in the world and it will continue thereby if the government doesn't do something real and deep to changing it.

Finally, I rescue the photo of a pigeon which leaves trails on snow-covered ground. And although maybe it doesn't seems relevant for the Sociology, it makes me remember all the opposite. A noisy, restless and fast society which demands more work and less fun and what  isn't  able to give space for to stop, to relax and appreciate at  the other persons or at the ambient that it’s next to us. That’s our apathy or indifference social. 

If you wish to see all the photos, check the next link: 

Have a nice weekend!

Friday 5 October 2012

The Top of Chilean Rock

Hi everybody!

Today I’m going to write about one of the most important festivals of music in Chile. I mean The Top of Chilean Rock . This is a whole day where new and old Chilean bands and the fans meet in the same place. This huge concert has two stages (one red and another white) at the same time and an itinerary for the order of the groups and singers.  Also there are bathrooms and a centre of food and drinks, lots of guards and Carabineros too. In short, it’s a great and funny moment to share music with others and to know some new group, maybe.

It has been three Tops of Chilean.Rock  The first one was in January 6th 2007 and it congregated forty bands and more than forty thousand fans in the National Stadium (Ñuñoa). The second  was the next year, in January 11th of 2009, in a day that congregated the double of bands and a number similar of spectators in the Equestrian Cub (Center of Santiago).

This year, is the third top in November 27th in the ex airport, now the City Park Bicentenary (Cerrillos). Between the musicians that are confirmed are Manuel García, Los Bunkers, Sinergia, Saiko, Juana Fé, Javiera Mena, De Saloon, Francisca Valenzuela, Camila Moreno, Angelo Pierattini, and recently were added Fernando Milagros, Nano Stern and Leo Quinteros. But, of course always one or two bands can say yes at the last moment  too. So, we have to wait for the complete list.

I had gone only at the second top with two friends of Bachillerato and I have to say that it was amazing! We came around 10 a.m if I’m not wrong and we stayed until 11.30 p.m.We sing a lot and I couldn't speak for a day and a half. 

This time, I decided to come back. So I invited another friend to go with me. The last weekend we buy the tikckets on Falabella, besides,  they were 2 x1.

So I invite you if you really like the chilean rock. 

Friday 28 September 2012

My best holidays!!

Hi everyone.  Today I’m going to write about the best holidays that I have had. These were maybe since three or four years ago. My family and I went to Viña del Mar. I have to say that I adore this city, because is big, fresh and have a lot of things to do at day and at night, places to visit, like the clock of flowers and places to eat fishes and seafood.

In other years, the beach was very unclean, but this time, was different with lots umbrellas and with nice green areas and beach’s games.

On these holidays I went everyday to get a little bronze with my sisters, Jessica and Pamela, and with my dad. Instead, my mom hates the beach. She preferred to stay for to rest or to sleep in the house which we stay or read some book or a new magazine.

But an activity that all the family shared was to go to casino. It was very close to us, like ten minutes if we walked. In the way, sometimes we visited the fair, ate in the Tip Top restaurant and other times, but only with my sisters, I went to drink to some place with music, with karaoke, or with an entertainer.

And although these seems to be a common holidays, for me were the best because that I remember, all of us were very happy, relaxed and had a good time in the each one way. Since then, we haven’t go out on holidays together. 

Sunday 23 September 2012

If I could travel, I'd go to...

Buenos Aires.
In Argentina, I admire this metropolis and I dream with to be in the Obelisco. In fact, I have a photo of it in my room and I had been keeping money since a couple of years to go. I think that Buenos Aires is a beautiful and modern city for going out at night, enjoy of the food and of course, of the tango. Also, this capital is very rich in culture like theaters and musicians. There are a lot of bars and coffees to visit. By the Italian influence, in food are popular the spaguettis, another thing that I like so much too. I think that it would be fun to go to B.A. with friends or with my sisters some day and to buy a good jacket or bag.

...Or Paris.
My other option would be the capital of France and can see the Eiffel Tower. I imagine that it have to be wonderful in the night with all the lights that it has. Besides, this monument with 330 meters is so much higher than the Obelisco with only 67,5 meters.

And about another nice places, can be the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Champs Elysees, The Triumphal Arc or the Pantheon and all the museums, like the Louvre, the most famous and visited museum in the world.Further, I’d enjoy of the baguettes, the cheese, champagnes and, of course of the music with accordion... so romantic!