Friday 16 November 2012

About my future

My future job is now an important topic because I’m in fourth grade of Sociology and the next year I hope to be doing the professional practice. And I have to say that I’m some nervous about it. Anyway, if I could choose an ideal job to star I’d choose to work in the Economical Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, more known like CEPAL. This institution of social research has a special section of gender studies, one of my favourites themes. The other one are the quantitative studies and the analysis of statistics about the population. I would prefer a job like this because the CEPAL has a long and well deserved prestige in my discipline and the social sciences in general, what is very important if I considered continuing a career in investigation.

About my strengths, I recognize that I’m very responsible person, very meticulous and dedicated with all the things that I do. Also, I enjoy more the office work than the office ‘out work.  Besides, I have a well drive of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software.

About my weaknesses, maybe could be that I’m perfectionist so I frustrate quickly if I don’t get the results in the way that I hope. For example, if the data are not complete or it has a lot of empties. And like I try to be efficient at work, sometimes I forget that not everybody work that the same way than me. This can bring me a little upset while I’m waiting the results of the work of somebody else.  Therefore I should be more patience with the others.

That’s what I have to say about my ideal job in the next future.

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