Sunday 23 September 2012

If I could travel, I'd go to...

Buenos Aires.
In Argentina, I admire this metropolis and I dream with to be in the Obelisco. In fact, I have a photo of it in my room and I had been keeping money since a couple of years to go. I think that Buenos Aires is a beautiful and modern city for going out at night, enjoy of the food and of course, of the tango. Also, this capital is very rich in culture like theaters and musicians. There are a lot of bars and coffees to visit. By the Italian influence, in food are popular the spaguettis, another thing that I like so much too. I think that it would be fun to go to B.A. with friends or with my sisters some day and to buy a good jacket or bag.

...Or Paris.
My other option would be the capital of France and can see the Eiffel Tower. I imagine that it have to be wonderful in the night with all the lights that it has. Besides, this monument with 330 meters is so much higher than the Obelisco with only 67,5 meters.

And about another nice places, can be the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Champs Elysees, The Triumphal Arc or the Pantheon and all the museums, like the Louvre, the most famous and visited museum in the world.Further, I’d enjoy of the baguettes, the cheese, champagnes and, of course of the music with accordion... so romantic!

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