Monday 3 December 2012

About the English IV class

Well, this will be the last written on my blog and it’s about the English class like subject at the Faculty of Social Sciences of our University. And I specific, because, not every Faculties of the University of Chile have so many levels of this language for their students. For example, in Natural Sciences, they have only one course of English along all the careers. 

In that sense, I appreciate so much that we can work our abilities about the English, not only the lectures, but the pronunciation too, aspects that are so ignored in almost all the other classes. For me, the fact that the whole subject has been talking in this language is very important because mainly permits the development of the audition and of the capacity to order the words in the mind at the moment which are necessary to a conversation.

About the blog, particulary , I think that were ok, but I’d suggest to practice most the English writing with other activities, for example, to make a letter for a friend or some member of the family about a interesting topic, or maybe, to write it for an authority of the FACSO about the resolution of a problem by the semester. Of this way, we can learn more about another daily uses.

Now, about the elements that the class could improve… Perhaps I’d aggregate more conversations within the classroom between the students, because in general, we are not always of the same careers or years. So, it would be important get close and link. Also, I thought in some moment to talk with somebody else, out of the English class, with this language. Poliglotas group could be invited at the Faculty in some classes for to talk with us, in a relaxed way, only for we can practice, not like evaluation. 

And finally, I can say that the use of the English nowadays, is quite frequent. It’s useful to me to understand instructions of technologic artifacts and more songs that I like. 
Furthermore, to read some papers in this language in my career and to translate social science’s academic documents. Even, I can say that the weirdest thing that I have had, it has been to dream in English. Sometimes it happens.

1 comment:

  1. you dreamed in english, well you handle language...regards!
